We’re your



Working hard to support and develop schools, multi-academy trusts, and local authorities.

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story can make all the difference with your audience.

Supporting schools through our three “E’s” of improvement by making things easier, more efficient, and therefore more effective to help leaders to help their schools to thrive.

A Refreshing Approach

  • A Blend Of Expertise

    We’ve got 75 years of combined experience in areas of education, commerce, and media. We bring a breadth of perspective to your table.

  • Not A Briefcase In Sight

    We embrace the best of technologies to ensure we’re delivering maximum output operating remotely when needed but never afraid of face-to-face.

  • Reputation Above All Else

    We want esteemed reputations. Your reputation in your communities and our reputation in the education sector is what drives us.

  • It's About Being Human

    Our team of hand picked team members are driven to make a difference. Expect us to be the sort of people you want to talk to and work with.

  • Let's Stop The Clock

    In the rush for results, we need to pause and talk. For guaranteed success we need to be open, transparent, and honest about potential and performance.

  • Pillars Of Performance

    Every project or assignment will be intentionally design with you and will be defined by our 3 C’s and 3 P’s of performance.

"A leader takes people where they want to go. A great leader takes people where they don’t necessarily want to go, but ought to be."

— Rosalynn Carter, former First Lady

Creating Impact

Strong Partnerships

Focused Support

Vision & Values

  • When an organisation has a clear vision and values, it can better articulate its purpose to stakeholders, build a strong community, and make decisions that align with its mission.

    We’re here to support you in creating a culture that is grounded in its vision and values. With our help you can ensure that you’re delivering on your promise to provide quality education and prepare children for success in the future.

School Improvement

  • School improvement initiatives can help schools and trusts to build a culture of continuous learning, where everyone is encouraged to reflect on their practice and seek opportunities for growth and development.

    We can support you with school improvement giving you an extra pair of hands to help achieve your mission to prepare children for success in life, work, and citizenship.


  • A well-functioning operations system can enhance the institution's productivity, reduce costs, and improve the quality of services provided to children, staff, and stakeholders.

    Our team have a wealth of experience in running effective operations in schools and trusts. We can provide a strategic approach, including the development of policies and procedures that ensure compliance with relevant regulations and standards.


  • Sound financial management helps to provide the resources necessary to achieve its mission and goals. Effective financial planning, budgeting, and reporting are essential in managing finances and making informed decisions about investments in teaching, research, and infrastructure.

    We can provide an external perspective while helping you to adhere to financial regulations and standards.

Digital & IT

  • Digital and IT are essential components of education-based organisations, as they enable institutions to enhance their teaching and learning capabilities, improve administrative functions and communication with stakeholders.

    We can help you streamline operations, reduce paperwork, connect data points, enhance communication, and build dashboards. We’re also intune with the latest priorities in cybersecurity, data privacy, and artificial intelligence to make sure you’re making the most from your data.

Marketing & Comms

  • Effective marketing strategies, including digital marketing, social media, and events, can help to position the institution in a positive light, showcase its achievements, and differentiate it from competitors.

    Additionally, strong communications strategies can enhance engagement with stakeholders, including parents, alumni, and the wider community. We help you deploy strategies and plans which allow you to deliver both efficiently and effectively.

Income Generation

  • To supplement budgets schools and trusts must find innovative ways to generate income from sources beyond government funding. These might include partnerships, philanthropy, grants, traded services, and more.

    We can help you diversify your income streams, reducing your reliance on a single source of funding, mitigating the risks of budget cuts or changes in government policies. By prioritising income generation, you can ensure financial sustainability and continue to deliver high-quality education to children.

Risk Management

  • We can support you with implementing effective risk management strategies. Organisations can mitigate these risks and ensure that they are prepared to respond to potential crises.

    Strategies should include developing contingency plans, ensuring that staff and children are adequately trained, and implementing effective governance and compliance frameworks. Additionally, effective risk management can help to build your reputation by demonstrating a commitment to responsible governance and risk mitigation.

Staff Retention

  • Staff retention is critical for educational organisations, as it helps to build institutional knowledge, maintain continuity, and ensure the delivery of high-quality education. High staff turnover can be disruptive, leading to increased costs, decreased productivity, and a loss of institutional memory.

    We can support you with strategies for retaining talented staff which is essential for delivering high-quality education, as experienced teachers and staff can provide valuable expertise and mentoring to new employees, delivering high-quality education, and enhancing your reputation as a supportive employer which will help with recruitment.

Human Resources

  • Trust and school must prioritise human resource management by developing effective recruitment strategies, investing in employee development, and fostering a positive work environment that promotes wellbeing.

    We can help with human resource strategies as well as individual projects which need a level of knowledge and expertise you don’t currently have available to hand.

MAT Growth

  • Having led one of the UK’s largest MATs, we’re a set of guiding hands to support you on your growth journey.

    MATs can provide greater opportunities for collaboration, sharing of best practices, and access to specialist resources and expertise. This can lead to improved educational outcomes for children and enhanced professional development opportunities for staff.

    Additionally, MATs can help to address issues of educational inequality by supporting struggling schools and providing greater access to high-quality education for children in disadvantaged areas. Furthermore, MATs can achieve economies of scale, which can help to reduce administrative costs and enhance financial sustainability. As the educational landscape continues to evolve, the benefits of MATs are becoming increasingly clear, and many educational experts believe that they are a key element of a sustainable and effective education system.

Due Diligence

  • Due diligence is crucial for trusts considering taking onboard new academies. Or academies joining new trusts. It helps both organisations to ensure that they are making an informed decision based on accurate information.

    Our due diligence processes involve conducting a thorough investigation of the institution's financial, legal, and operational risks alongside a deep dive on cultural, pedagogical, and strategic fit before either party make significant investment in time and money.

"Dr Captsick's credentials speak for themselves. He has taught me a great deal about school leadership and much of this I am able to reflect on daily in my current role. He is a giant of school improvement and has a genuine empathy with school leaders at all levels"

— Headteacher

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a little


Find out more information on our organisation, it’s services, and how we deliver.

  • We are here to offer help and support to:

    • schools

    • multi-academy trusts

    • local authorities

    • governors and leaders

    • parents and carers

    In fact we’re here to lend a hand to anyone with an interest in making schools a better place for our children.

  • With our range of affiliated partners and associates we can offer a lot but pride ourselves in only what we can deliver with expertise and experience.

    Everything the Phi Centre does will be typified by the working within the following traits:

    • Precision

    • Personality

    • Supportive

    • Uncompromising - when required.

    Let’s have a chat about your goals and aspirations and we’ll outline how we can take you there.

  • To be honest we prefer face to face support where we can create and develop but then hold onto real relationships. Happy to work in all parts of the country and to travel to you to get the job done.

    It’s because we have a real interest in the lives, goals and well-being of others, especially young people, their schools and the communities they serve.

    It’s an important part of how we work.


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Get the conversation started to see if we’ve got a journey together. Don’t shy away from an exploratory chat.